A weekly diary that charts the highs, lows and general mysteries that go hand-in-hand with pregnancy. Because, yes, being a parent is the most important job in the world but the actual physical process of becoming a parent isn’t all rainbows and love hearts…
Bio: After an 8 year hiatus, I am currently in the process of growing a second tiny human to join our family of three. Baby number two is due on the end of May but previous experience has taught me that I have the gestation system of an elephant (nobody needs to be pregnant for 42 weeks!). Over the next three months I’ll post a weekly diary on the highs, lows and general madness that is pregnancy. Conscious that I’m quite ‘far along’, I’ll do a recap of the first six months at some point over the next few weeks. Think of reading this diary as your guilty pleasure because it always helps to know that (a) someone is going through the same thing as you and (b) they’re not handling it half as well as you are. Alternatively, you can stick it under your partner’s nose as justification for the fact that he really is lucky because you’re not half as dramatic or demanding as this pregnant lady.
Disclaimer: Chances are that I’m doing everything completely back to front and up-side down. The fact that we high-five each other annually on our son’s birthday to celebrate that we have made it through another year without a visit to A&E is somewhat indicative of our parenting style. Should you require some solid guidance and advice, please read all of the other articles here on loveparenting.ie.