Whether you are a new mum hoping to breastfeed, or still expecting your bundle of joy –

why not try a breastfeeding support group!


These groups are a great way to build your confidence around breastfeeding. Meet other mums in a safe, child-friendly environment. Get advice from experienced peers and/or healthcare workers.

Breastfeeding support groups offer many benefits – from helping you survive the first days and weeks, to supporting you prolong the duration of breastfeeding.

Cuidiu.ie Breastfeeding Support Morning Limerick

Day: 1st Friday of the Month
Time: 11 am – 1 pm
Venue: University Maternity Hospital Limerick (Prefab at the back of the hospital)
Contact: MaryAnne (087) 774 9223

Day: Second Monday of the month
Time: 10.00am to 12.00pm
Venue: St. Nicholas Parish Hall (beside church in Westbury)
Contact: Meabh (085) 7357238

Day: Third Saturday of the month
Venue:Parent Link (meets in various locations)
Contact: Jackie 087 1227353

Breastfeeding Support Group, Ballybrown, Clarina, Co. Limerick

Day: Tuesdays

Time: 10am – 11am

Venue: Conservatory, Ballybrown Community Centre, Ballybrown Clarina, Co Limerick. V94F5EY

Facilitated by Margaret Beatty, PHN

Breastfeeding Support Hospital, Co. Limerick

Day: Mondays
Time: 11 am – 12 pm
Venue: Hospital Health Centre, Hospital Co. Limerick

More information:
All Mothers welcome who attend PHN’s in Network 6. PHN in attendance, lactation consultant on occasion.

Mary Anne
Tel: (087) 774 9223

Friends of Breastfeeding
Mum 2 Mum Support Group

Day: Wednesday
10.30 am- 12.30 pm
Venue: Drombanna Day Centre (Old Cork Road)

For more information contact:
Babs Gardiner
Tel: 087 688 6169
Email: babs.gardiner@yahoo.ie

Raheen Breastfeeding Support Group

Day: Wednesday
11.30 am- 12.30 pm
Venue: Millennium Hall, Raheen

For more information contact:
Local PHN

Limerick University Maternity Hospital Feeding Clinic

Day: Mondays (strictly by appointment only)
Venue: Ante – Natal Clinic, University Maternity Hospital, Limerick

For more information contact:
An Appointment can be made by telephoning 061 483102

Murroe County Limerick (Public Health Nurse)

Day: Thursday
11.00 am- 12.00 pm
Venue: Murroe Health Centre

For more information contact:
PHN Ruth Hanley 061 – 387083

Castletroy PHN Breastfeeding Group

Day: Wednesday
11.00 am- 12.00 pm
Venue: Castletroy Primary Care Centre, Unit 1 Castletroy Park Commerical Centre, Castletroy

For more information contact:
061 – 492 400

Breastfeeding Resources

  • Dr Jack Newman : an internationally renowned breastfeeding expert  with a very informative website. Breastfeeding resources include  information sheets, video clips and articles on various breastfeeding issues.
  • www.cuidiu-ict.ie   Cuidiú is an informative Irish organisation supporting breastfeeding and parenthood with mother-to-mother support groups nationwide.
  • www.kellymom.com  Kelly Bonyata is a US based Lactation Consultant. The website is extremely informative, with so many breastfeeding articles to choose from!
  • www.breastfeeding.ie  is the HSE Breastfeeding Support website; it has useful information on breastfeeding support groups in Ireland. A nice section on frequently asked questions and some little irish video clips.
  • www.llli.org/ La Leche League International – is an international volunteer organisation dedicated to breastfeeding education and encouragement  worldwide. The tear out  toolkit from the book “The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding” is now free to download from the website.
  • Friends of Breastfeeding supporting Breastfeeding throughout Ireland, by mother to mother support, this website directs you toward support groups in your area.
 Facebook breastfeeding group

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