Christmas Pudding

[toggle title=”Recipe Info” state=”close” ]Number of Servings: 4+ Preparation Time: 45 Minutes Cooking Time: 2-3 Hours Cost: Medium[/toggle]

Utensils Needed: 
2 pint Pudding Bowl
Large Pot

Cooking Method: 

3oz/85g Self-raising Flour
1/2 Level Teaspoon mixed spice
1/2 Level teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 Level Teaspoon ground cinnamon
4oz/110g white breadcrumbs
6oz/150g dark brown sugar
4oz/110g Margarine melted and cooled
1 grated apple
8oz/225g currants
4oz/110g raisins
4oz/110g Sultanas
2oz/50g cut mixed peel
2oz/50g cherries, halved, washed and dried
1oz/25g chopped almonds

Mix Together: 
2 Large eggs
1 Dessertspoon brandy/rum/whiskey
1/4 pint/150ml Guinness
juice and grated rind of 1 orange
Juice and Grated rind of 1 lemon


Have ready 1 greased 2 pint/1.1 litre pudding bowl. Cut a large circle of double greaseproof paper for the top of the pudding and grease well. Cut a large circle of tin foil to place over the double circle of greaseproof paper on top of the pudding.

To Make Pudding: 

  1. Sieve the flour and spices into a large bowl.
  2. Add the breadcrumbs, sugar, prepared fruit, nuts, orange and lemon rind, make sure the rind is finely grated. Then mix thoroughly.
  3. Make a well in the centre. Pur in the melted margarine, beated eggs, spirits and Guinness mixture. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
  4. Cover and leave to stand overnight. The mixture is slack in the beginning but thickens overnight. Mix well again before filling the bowl.
  5. Place the pudding bowl in a saucepan of water and boil for 2-3 hours. Keep the water topped up in the saucepan.

Handy Hints 
The flavour of this pudding improves overtime, try making this recipe in November for Christmas. 

This recipe was taken from 101 Square Meals click here for full book. 101 Square Meals is supported by MABS, Safefood and the HSE.