Killer Cells Test Results

Can I speak to Denise Phillips Please?

This is the phone call I’ve been dreading for the last 2 weeks, 14 long days.

You’d think at this stage I’d be used to it, but this one was very different. You see, I really struggled with doing this test, let alone getting the results.

It took me 4 weeks to pluck up the courage to get the killer cells (NKC) test done.

Firstly, I had to come to terms with my failed IVF cycle, and then the possibility of having KC nearly killed me. For those 2 weeks, I was so emotional, drained and hormonal (I blame IVF drug withdrawals). The mind games IVF throws at you are unreal. I accepted the fact that I couldn’t naturally conceive, but I could not accept the fact that my body attacks my beautiful embryos. This one made me question the last 5 years of my life: Did I ever need IVF?, Was my miscarriage my fault? Was I pregnant and did my body attack my babies? Could I have saved time and just taken medication all along for this instead of all the drugs I took to become pregnant? I spent a lot of time on these thoughts daily. I know the having NKC is only a matter of taking a few more drugs to secure the pregnancy–it wasn’t that, I just wasn’t ready. I didn’t believe it. I believe these embryos that didn’t survive just weren’t meant for my family; it wasn’t the right time; what’s for you won’t pass you.

Denise you have no killer cells, your immune cells are perfect.

I cried so hard, tears of joy, tears of relief… I didn’t have another obstacle put in front of me. The brick wall had been lifted…

Our next plan of action is a scratch, (gently scratching the lining of the womb before IVF can increased the odds of pregnancy). The doctors in the Clinic feel this will help secure transfer and have full faith in my frozen transfer as the doctors know that my body responds well to this. Seriously so do I ……after all my last frozen embryo grew to be my amazing little girl. I want my mind and body to be strong so when my beautiful frozen embryo is transferred, it will survive. So I will attend acupuncture, which is fantastic and combined with some counselling I’m going to smash this IVF cycle.

Do you have questions that you want to ask Denise? Or would like to show her your support? Feel free to comment below. 

Want to see behind the scenes footage of Denise’s IVF journey? Follow her on Snapchat username: dephillipa or Facebook: MillionDollarBaby.

If you are affected by issues raised in this article or would like access to further information and support, please see contact information below.

National Infertility Support and Information Group
For NISIG Website Click Here

Image copyright of Gary O’Donnell click here to see other work