Your child is ready for school when he/she can
- Open and close their coat and hang it up by themselves
- Open and close Velcro straps on their shoes
- Open lunch box, drink and yoghurt
- Tidy up and return toys to their place
- Use the toilet themselves (trousers without buttons help)
- Simple self – care skills- wash their hands, clean their nose and flush the toilet etc.
- Understand and follow simple instructions
- Be at ease with other children
- Share and take turns
- Listen attentively for short spells
- Know when and how to ask for help
Tips for packing lunch
- Drinks – water, milk or 100% juice
- Sandwiches with a healthy filling
- Yoghurts
- Cheese pieces
- Chopped or easy to peel fruit
How to prepare your child for school
- Encourage their self confidence
- By playing with your child
- Chatting with your child
- Encourage learning
- Read stories and nursery rhymes
- Have fun with arts & crafts activities together
- Preparation
- Have an easy to open school bag with no straps or clips/buckles
- Write your child’s name on their school bag, book, coat, uniform and lunchbox
- Establish a routine before school- bag packed and teeth brushed
- Arrive and collect your child on time
- Visit the school before it starts and talk positively about teachers and school