Top tips for cutting yourself some slack

Top Tips 

Honesty is the best policy: Parenting isn’t all rainbows and unicorns so don’t be afraid to tell people that you’re tired, anxious, frustrated etc. You will benefit from saying it out loud and your friend/colleague may share similar thoughts. Think of it as your very own parenting support group (because we all need them).

Remember that social media is a moment in time:Nothing strikes at the heart of an exhausted pyjama-wearing new mom with spew in her hair like an Instagram picture of a celebrity in a bikini, cradling her new baby waffling on about how #blessed she feels. We’d all feel blessed if we had a personal trainer, make-up artist and chef.
You are your own worst critic: Nobody else notices or cares that your house is a mess or that you haven’t sent out ‘thank you’ cards yet. They think that you’re doing a great job – you just have to think the same.
Your baby/child thinks that you’re amazing: You are everything to them. Soak up all that unconditional love and remember every parent still needs an ‘L’ plate because the learning never ends.