Let’s Learn About Drugs Together
Post-Primary Substance Use Education Worker
Mid-West Regional Drugs Task Force, HSE
Corporate House, Mungret St., Limerick City
Tel: 086 4678010
This programme, developed in partnership between the HSE and the Mid-West Regional Drugs Task Forum, aims at engaging parents and pupils in a shared learning experience about substance use. The programme is delivered with the support of local schools and is an additional support to schools and teachers delivering the SPHE Substance Use module at Junior Cycle.
Bedford Row Support Group for Parents
Bedford Row Family Project
Lower Bedford Row, Limerick
Tel: 061 315332
Lifeskills and other formal and non-formal groups that focus on family responsibilities at the core of which is ‘good enough’ parenting
Parenting Support and Sexual Health and Education Programme
Limerick Social Service Centre,
Upper Henry Street, Limerick
Tel: 061-314111
Email: cfsreferral@lssc.ie
Web: www.lssc.ie
The programme is part of the Limerick Social Service Council Parents Support Programme. It supports parents of teenagers and teenagers around the issues of parenting, relationships, sexual health and communication. This support is provided through one to one support and group work. The service is available to parents of teenagers and teenagers living in Limerick City and County.
Referrals can be made by parents, secondary schools and centres of education, youth, community and family support agencies, GPs, Social Workers, etc.
Non-Violent Resistance Training
Mentoring Programme Co-ordinator, Le Cheile, Youth Space,
Galvone Industrial Estate, Southill, Limerick
Tel: 061-422385
Non Violent Resistance (NVR) is an innovative 8-12 week therapy programme, which has been developed to target aggressive, violent, controlling, and risk-taking behaviour in young people. Running this therapy in a group setting has ensured that parents can share experiences and encourage each other to practice the techniques. In Limerick, it is available through Le Cheile and referrals are currently accepted from Young Person’s Probation.
Supporting Parents
Being a Parent is the Most Important Job in the world
Expert Advice

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