Why is play important?
Outdoor play is also great for your child. Running, jumping, climbing are all activities which help your child develop good Gross motor skills. Developing an interest in any sport activity can help your child in many different ways including later years when they start mixing with other children in school.
Throwing, kicking and catching a ball are a great way to encourage Motor skills. Hand-eye coordination is also developed.
Your child can sit on a bike but maybe not yet pedal it.
They can build a 5/6 high tower with blocks.
Things you can do
- Do arts or crafts. Messing finger painting is great fun for the child and the adult. Make play dough – its easy and even if it doesn’t come out perfect you child will love playing with it
- Share stories – children like to hear fun stories about real and make believe.
- Encourage “free play” (freely chosen by the child with no structure and performed for no external goal or reward) as much as possible. It helps your toddler stay active and strong and helps him develop motor skills.
- Shopping – children love to be included when you’re doing your shopping. Talking about what you’re buying lets them hear new words and helps them understand the meaning of these words.
- It can also help children understand where food comes from – you can include themes like animals, farms and how foods get to the shops.
- Books and reading are important. Introducing your child to any form of reading material can give them a love of reading. Try making your own book put in photos with a name underneath, put in pictures, a leaf, a flower any item you can think of.
- Play activity with first hand experiences (allowing your child to do it themselves) where you child can touch, smell and taste things is a great way for your child to learn and explore the world around them.
- Activities like tiding up, dusting and sorting can be fun and can be used to encourage your child’s thinking.
- Singing and saying rhymes is great fun. Your child will benefit from these activities.
Growth and Development
You can help your child be independent by allowing him/her to make simple choices like what to wear or what to eat. Only 2/3 choices as not to leave these choices too open or you can cause frustration for both of you.
There are many ways in which play can be both fun and educational. As parents you get to spend a large quantity of time with your child. Everyday activities can be turned into play learning for your child.
Provided by “ABC Start Right Limerick”