ABC Start Right
PAUL Partnership, Unit 25a Tait Business Centre,
Dominic Street, Limerick.
Tel: 061-419388
ABC Start Right provides age and stage appropriate developmental checks, information and parenting supports for parents of children ages 0-6 in the Northside and City Centre of Limerick by working in partnership with relevant agencies through the Community Wraparound Model.
ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services
Rosbrien, Limeric.
Tel: 061-412354
24 hour confidential helpline: 1800 200 504
ADAPT Domestic Abuse services provide a wide range of supports to women survivors of domestic abuse and their children including emergency refuge accommodation, outreach services for women who are not staying in the refuge, 24-hour helpline support, one to one support, court accompaniment, support groups, and educational opportunities. ADAPT provides a range of supports for children and young people who are, or have lived with, domestic abuse including helpline support, one to one support, emotional and practical support, group work programmes, educational support and a play therapy service. We also work with mothers to support them in their parenting role through the Incredible Years Programme and mother and toddler groups. ADAPT also works with young people in the general community to promote healthy relationships which are based on equality, dignity and mutual respect. We do this by running our Healthy Relationships Programme with young people in schools and youth groups across the region.
Ballyhoura Development
Coote Hall Resource Centre,
Killmallock, Co. Limerick
Tel: 063 20555
Ballyhoura Development, Ltd. Is a community-based, local development company that provides a wide range of supports. Ballyhoura Development, Kilmallock, offers support to parents and those caring for children through the following services: one to one parent support, Family Health and Wellness programmes, Parents Plus Parenting Programme, Literacy for parents, Digital skills for parents, Parent and Toddler groups, Buggy Fit and Homework Clubs for children.
Barnardos Family Support
Barnardos Family Support Service, Limerick South, 373/374 Roseview Drive, O’Malley Park, Southill, Limerick.
Tel: 061 319290
Barnardos Family Support Service, Limerick North,1/2 Pineview Gardens, Moyross, Limerick.
Tel: o61 329298
Barnardos Family Support Services, Limerick North and South, offer direct support, information and advice to children and young people (0-18yrs) and their parents/carers across Limerick City and its environs. Our goal is to support children’s learning, development, and emotional well-being by working in partnership with their families and the wider community. We respond to individual children and family circumstances by assessing children’s needs and tailoring a package of support that takes into account family views and recognises family strengths.
We do this by providing the following services: parenting programmes, practical support to help parents and carers develop better home management routines, family or parent/child work to strengthen communication and repair relationships and individual work with children and young people to help them express their feelings and learn positive coping skills. We provide a number of Group Work Programmes to parents and children, which include Parenting Groups and Parent/Toddler Groups, Breakfast Clubs, Afterschool Groups and groups to support children to manage grief and loss and develop positive social skills.
We also provide a drop-in/phone-in information and advice service Mon-Fri for parents/professionals to seek guidance in relation to issues relating to child development/family wellbeing. Referrals are accepted from families themselves as well as from other services in contact with the family.
Barnardos Homemaker Family Support Service
Barnardos Islandgate, St. Mary’s National School,
Bishop’s Street, Limerick
Tel: 061 493587 / 061 493588
The Barnardos Homemaker Family Support Service provides early intervention, practical, home-based support (such as helping the family to get ready for school, prepare meals, manage the household, etc.) to families that are struggling to cope with the demands of daily life for a range of reasons. It is a flexible service that works with families at key periods during the day such as mornings/getting ready for school and evenings (family meals, homework, and bedtime), or at other times identified in partnership with the family.
Bedford Row Family Support
Lower Bedford Row, Limerick
Tel: 061 315332
Bedford Row Family Support provides support to families affected by imprisonment. Services include providing hospitality to families at Limerick prison, organising courses based on what the focus group desire, providing support and counselling to families, providing information, referral and advocacy, supporting parents in their responses to children’s needs, raising public awareness, research and supporting people who have been in prison to reintegrate. The Project also has a staff member who offers support to the Travelling Community in Limerick.
Community Substance Misuse Team
Third Floor, Theatre Court, Mallow Street,
Tel: 061 317688
Community Substance Misuse Team (CSMT) aims to assist young people, families and communities to develop effective and supportive coping strategies to deal with substance misuse in the Mid-West. The service offered by CSMT is for adolescents and parents impacted by substance use. CSMT is a multi-disciplinary team responding to under 18s with substance misuse issues. The service works with young people, families and communities to develop effective and supporting coping strategies to deal with substance misuse. It is funded by the Mid-West Regional Drugs and Alcohol Forum.
Croom Family Resource Centre
Scouts Den, High Street, Croom, Co. Limerick.
Tel: 061 602878
Croom Family Resource Centre provides a variety of family supports in partnership with Tusla and delivers a number of these programmes in Croom, Ballingarry and various other locations in County Limerick. The programme includes parenting courses such as Parents Plus and Incredible Years. We also offer the following services: one to one family support, parent and toddler groups, Baby Massage, Pediatric First Aid, counselling, information provision, Money and Budgeting Advice Service (MABS), adult education and referrals to other services.
Focus Ireland
Parnell Place, Limerick City
Tel: 061 317199
Focus Ireland provides three key services to single people and families across Limerick. Long-term accommodation is provided to single people and families with support to help people become as independent as possible.
In partnership with Limerick City and County Council, Focus Ireland operates a Social Rental Model. Focus Ireland secures private rented homes for families who are in emergency accommodation and provides a key worker to the family to offer support in maintaining their tenancy by providing information, referral to relevant services and practical support on issues such as managing rent arrears and other tenancy issues and managing conflict. The key worker works in partnership with the family to identify the issues that are putting them at risk of homelessness and drawing up a plan to meet your goals.
Focus Ireland also operates a Tenancy Sustainment Service, which supports families who are at risk of losing their tenancies to maintain their homes.
Home School Community Liaison Scheme (HSCL)
The Home School Community Liaison Programme (HSCL) is a school-based preventative programme that is targeted at children and young people who are at risk of not reaching their full potential in the education system. The programme promotes partnership between parents and teachers to enhance children’s learning opportunities and promote their retention in the education system. It focuses directly on the adults in children’s educational lives and seeks indirect benefits for the children themselves. It involves the designation of teachers in schools who take the lead in this work.
There are Home School Community Liaisons assigned to the following schools. The HSCL can be contacted through the schools.
Primary Schools
Corpus Christi National School 061- 455166
Gaelscoil Sheoirse Clancy 061- 603293
Le Cheile National School 061- 419789
Maria King Presentation 061- 412494
Our Lady of Lourdes National School 061- 227991
Our Lady Queen of Peace 061- 311285
St. Anne’s Girls National School 069- 64779
St. John’s the Baptist Boys National School 061- 312411
St. John’s Girls and Infant Boy School 061- 416752
St. Joseph’s Boys National School, Rathkeale 069-64161
St. Mary’s National School 061-419264
St. Michael’s Infant School 061-317672
Scoil Losagain 061- 413950
Thomond Primary School 061 – 452755
Secondary Schools
Coláiste Chiaráin 061-397700
Coláiste Iósuef Community College 063-98275
Coláiste Mhichil 061- 416628
Desmond College 069-62205
Presentation Secondary 061-410390
Ardscoil Mhuire 061-349014
Thomond College 061-452422
Hospital Family Resource Centre
Hospital Family Resource Centre,
Knockainey Road, Hospital, Co. Limerick
Tel: 061 383884
The Hospital Family Resource Centre provides the following supports and services to families in the community: parenting workshops, parent and toddler groups, Strengthening Families Programme, Rainbows Programme (support for children and young people affected by loss or bereavement), Peer Support Group for parents of children with disabilities and life skills programmes for children. An after schools service is also provided for children.
ISPCC Family Support
ISPCC, 115 O’Connell St. Limerick City
Tel: 061 400077
The ISPCC offers parents and children the support of a Parent Mentor. It is a special, supportive relationship between a parent/carer and a trained volunteer mentor. This is an informal support system that helps parents to make positive social connections and develop positive coping strategies. Mentors listen, guide and support parents to address their individual needs. More formal support can also be accessed for parents who need it.
Limerick Social Service Council Child and Family Service
Limerick Social Service Centre,
Upper Henry Street, Limerick
Tel: 061-314111
Parent and Family Support Programme
Limerick Social Service Council’s Parenting and Family Support Programme provides information, support and practical assistance with parenting, child development and childcare. All programmes are aimed at improving the quality of life for children and families.
The following services are offered: one to one support, outreach, parent support groups, parenting workshops, parenting training programmes, information and support for parents experiencing separation. The service also includes Community Social Workers, who provide one to one home-based support, undertake assessments using the Meitheal model and develop and implement parenting support plans.
Teen Parent Support Programme Limerick
The Teen Parents Support Programme is a confidential programme for young people who are pregnant or who are parents and offers the following services: group peer support, one to one support, supports for young expectant parents and young parents in education. Support is also available to the young person’s partner and members of their extended families.
Community Mothers
Community Mothers is a home visiting service for parents with new babies or young children. A Community Mother is an experienced mother who is trained to visit parents in their homes and to encourage them to enjoy and participate more fully in their child’s life. It works by offering the following services: one to one support, parenting support, parent and baby/toddler groups, information on child development, activities, services and supports and welfare rights and entitlements.
Baby massage, reflexology and weaning support are also offered.
Family Advocacy Service
The Family Advocacy Service is a confidential support service for parents and families whose children are in care. The purpose of the service is to support parents and families to continue their involvement with their children while they are in care, to advocate on parents behalf and to refer them to relevant services for additional supports if required. It provides one to one and group supports.
Family Support Initiative
The Family Support Initiative provides information, support and advocacy for families and groups living in Limerick City Centre, the Docklands area and Ballinacurra Weston.
Le Cheile Mentoring and Youth Justice Support Services
Le Cheile, Unit 1, Fulflex, Galvone Industrial Estate, Limerick
Tel: 061 422385
Le Cheile provides a range of supports including parent mentoring and training programmes such as Parents Plus and Non-Violent Resistance Training. Le Cheile’s primary target group is parents and children engaged with Young Person’s Probation.
Mid-West Disability Services Early Intervention and School Age Team
Early Intervention and School Age Teams are committed to working in partnership with families of children with disabilities/ developmental delay to minimise the impact of disability and maximise opportunities for growth and development. The teams offer assessments for children, with actual or potential developmental difficulties, to determine the nature and extent of a child’s difficulties. Early Intervention for very young children supports the child’s family in enabling the child to reach his/her potential.
Tree House Early Intervention and School Age Teams
St Gabriels Centre, Springfield Drive, Dooradoyle, Limerick
Tel: 061-302733
East Limerick Early Intervention and School Age Teams
Unit 4, Crossgalla, East Way Business Park, Ballysimon Rd, Limerick
Tel: 061-603400
Blackberry Park, Early Intervention and School Age Teams
Ballykeeffe, Limerick
Tel: 061-498161
TeamsWest Limerick Children’s Services
Bakers Road, Charleville, Co. Cork
Tel: 069-61919
St Josephs Foundation
Adjacent to Desmond Complex, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick
Tel: 063-89252
General Information
Northside Family Resource Centre
Northside Family Resource Centre Family Support,
Clonconnane Road, Ballynanty Limerick
Tel: 061 326623
Northside Family Resource Centre offers a wide range of services for parents that include parenting programmes such as Incredible Years and Strengthening Families, one to one support and advice, counselling, parent and child groups, classes and literacy support, accredited training courses, rights and entitlement clinics, advocacy, and parent support groups
Northstar Family Support Project
Hopeful House, 28 John Street, Limerick
Tel: 061-459260
The Northstar Family Support Project is a community-based project that provides non-judgemental, confidential support to family members and friends who are affected by, and trying to cope with drug and alcohol misuse.
Novas Intensive Family Support Service
Novas initiatives, 1 Mungret Street, Limerick
Tel: 061 468033
Novas Intensive Family Support Service provides assessment and comprehensive support plans with clients in order to prevent homelessness and sustain tenancies. Once tenancies are stable, additional needs are identified and families are supported in addressing these. In instances where families have already lost their home or the home is considered sub-standard to requirements, seeking suitable accommodation or improving the existing residence is prioritised.
Southill Family Resource Centre
Southill Family Resource Centre Family Support,
267-268 Avondale Court, O’Malley Park, Southill, Limerick
Tel: 061 440250
Southill Family Resource Centre provides support and advice to parents. In partnership with local schools, HSE, Tusla and other community-based organisations, we deliver a wide range of programmes that respond to the needs of local children and their families including the Incredible Years Programmes, Parents Plus and Strengthening Families. We also provide a counselling service for parents who are experiencing difficulties, therapy for children who encounter difficulties with their emotional, social, behavioural and or intellectual development and one to one support and advocacy.
TUSLA Child and Family Agency Parent Support Programme
Tusla, Child and Family Agency, HSE Offices, Raheen Business Park, Ballycummin Avenue, Raheen, Limerick
Tel: 061 483592
Parent Support Programme
Tusla Parent Support provides support and advice in the delivery of a broad range of parenting programmes and supports; provides information on existing parent/toddler groups and supports the development of new groups; delivers a range of parenting programmes including Incredible Years, Strengthening Families and Parents Plus in partnership with community programmes.
Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS)
A programme of early intervention work to support families to improve outcomes for children. This includes the Meitheal National Practice Model, the Parenting Support Programme (see above) and signposting to relevant services.
West Limerick Resources
St. Mary’s Road, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick
Tel: 069-62222
West Limerick Resources (WLR) provides information and supports to parents, families and children in the West Limerick area through a range of programmes. WLR has established four Family and Community Hubs in the main towns of Abbeyfeale, Askeaton, Newcastle West and Rathkeale. Key activities for parents include parent and toddler groups, one to one parenting support, information, group-based activities, workshops and opportunities to access other WRL supports such as employment, education and training and referrals to other supports in the community.
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