Social Stories to explain the Coronavirus to Children

Access the website below for a colourful child friendly book to explain the Coronavirus to young children. English version attached but also available in many other languages:

https://660919d3-b85b-43c3-a3ad- fae37fc80.pdf

Social Stories to explain Coronavirus in an age appropriate way to Children:  about-covid-19/

Dave the Dog is worried about Coronavirus a nurse Dotty audio book:

Children’s book on Coronavirus illustrated by Axel Scheffler (illustrator of the Gruffalo):  explaining-coronavirus-children-illustrated-gruffalo-illustrator-axel-  scheffler/

The Story of the Oyster and the Butterfly the Coronavirus and me: content/uploads/2020/04/Book-Oyster-Butterfly.pdf 

Provided by Primary Care Child & Family Psychology Service St. Camillus’ Hospital Limerick.