Exercising during Covid 19


Keep in contact with your families, friends and neighbours (particularly those living alone) via telephone, FaceTime, Skype, Family Group Zoom calls or in getting your children to write a letter or send a postcard or a drawing in the post to their grandparents who are    cocooning to keep themselves safe.


It is really important for all family members to exercise everyday to boost your immune systems within your home and outside of your home (walk/jog/run/cycle) adhering to social distancing (6 feet apart from others) within 2k of your home (as per the most up to date government guidelines).

Limerick Sports Partnership Getting Limerick Active:


PE with Joe Wicks:

Free online daily exercise routine for parents/adolescents/children to do together from within the safety of your own home. You can join in live at 9am or play it back at a time that is better for your family. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ

Dance classes with BBC Strictly Come Dancing professional dancer Oti Mabuse:

At 11.30am or watch it back at a time that is better for your family.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC58aowNEXHHnflR_5YTtP4g

Darcey Bussell retired professional ballerina and former judge on BBC Strictly Come Dancing, dance classes for children/adolescents and parents:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMeZJqPCwoQ

Super Troopers with Laya Healthcare is a programme which encourages children and their families to live happier and more active lifestyles. Through short burst, fun daily activities around physical activity, wellbeing and nutrition, this programme helps to promote healthy minds and bodies: https://www.supertroopers.ie/

Link     to     mindful      movement       breaks      throughout       the     day:  https://www.gonoodle.com/

For Parents Davina McCall home workouts freely available for 30 days:    https://ownyourgoalsdavina.com/

The Child and Family Psychology Service in Lmierick have put tpgether this Family Resource Pack. It is divided into sections and themes covering family, young children and adolescents. Topics include art, story time, exercise, healthy eating, mindfulness, sleep and media.

Click here or on the heading to download.