Looking after your emotional well-being during pregnancy and post-pregnancy

04 MarchMar 2021 11:15 UTC

Free online webinar with HSE Senior Clinical Psychologists Dr Jeananne Garavan & Dr Clare Thynne 4th March @11.15am

To book a place on this online talk

Call/Text: (087) 3594321 or Call (094) 9042281

Email: laura.walsh9@hse.ie

(Please register your interest before 1pm on 3/3/21)

If you are expecting a baby or have recently had a baby (0 to 12 months) we would like to invite you to this online talk that will explore common anxieties and sources of stress associated with having a baby during covid-19 as well as specific practical and psychological support strategies that can help you best manage and care for yourself and your new born. 

The talk will also include tips on bonding with your new born as well as signposting the relevant support services available. We will also allow plenty of time for any questions you may have at the end.


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